
JULY 25-27


Official Grip Sponsor of the 2024 1st Phorm Monster Games




Your journey to 1st Phorm Monster games is simple…earn your way, it’s yours to conquer. Anyone from the Scaled athlete to the Games caliber athlete will be tested appropriately for their division & fitness level.

The 2025 Monster Games are continuing to evolve as the go to competition this side of the CrossFit Games. Nestled just weeks before the Games, Monster proudly boasts an end of season competition experience for those falling short of making it to the CrossFit Games and those looking for highly competitive and fun event.

With experienced event and athlete programming from Jacob Heppner of GRIT Performance, Jason Ansley and Steven Tackett, Monster Games prides itself on being a full test of fitness.

*Individual Divisions:

  • Elite Men and Women TBD

  • Rx Men and Women TBD

  • Intermediate Men and Women - TBD

  • Masters Age 35-39 Men & Women - TBD

  • Masters Age 40-44 Men & Women - TBD

  • Masters 45-49 MEN & Women - TBD

  • Masters Age 50-54 Men & Women - TBD

  • Masters Age 55+ Men & Women - TBD

*Teams of 2 Co-Ed & Same Sex Divisions:

  • Rx - TBD

  • Intermediate - TBD

  • Masters - TBD

  • Scaled - TBD

*Monster Games reserves the right to expand or reduce spots by division based upon qualifier participation. Certain divisions may have a cut line below the stated numbers above.


Serves as the only United States qualifier for the LEGENDS Winter Classic!

2025 Masters On-Line QUALIFIER

Advance to Monster Games, the only in-person qualifier for The Legends Winter Championship. CITY TBD.

35-39 Men & Women: TBD

40-44 Men & *Women: TBD

45-49 Men & *Women: TBD

50-54 Men & Women: TBD

55+ Men & Women: TBD

*Subject to change based on registration numbers.




Elite: You qualify for the CrossFit Games Quarterfinals and you train for the unknown and unknowable. You have the ability, skills and goals to compete at Semi-Finals either as an individual or on a team.

Rx: All of the above are true but you may have a few holes in your top end strength or high skill gymnastics endurance. You can do everything but others can simply do it faster or more effecient.

There is nothing you aren’t willing to attack.

Intermediate & Masters

You typically Rx class workouts but may lack the skills for moving high volume, moderately heavy load overhead or gymnastic skills like Ring MU’s or Handstand Walking. The skill set is there but you aren’t the fittest on earth.

Masters: 35-49 can expect to be treated like an Rx athlete, 50+ will have a change in load, volume, gymnastic skill level or a combination thereof. Expect to be able to do MU’s and walk on your hands but it will not be in high volume or unbroken sets or distances.


Expect to be asked to perform standard height box jumps, thrusters, and front squats with a barbell at 95#/65# or DB’s with 35#’s and 25#’s. Gymnastics will consist of standard pull-ups, toes to bar, and various types of burpees.

Weight will be light to moderate and the focus will be on movements that are completed by most athletes that take daily cross-training classes but scale technical movements and load.